Child, Education, Psychology and Protection /

Ahuja A.K

Child, Education, Psychology and Protection / A.K Ahuja - 1st ed. 2015. - New delhi. Omega publications. 2015. - 295 p . ; hardbound 14x23cm

1.Child Behaviour
2.Behaviour Problems of child
3.Child education and classroom practice
4.Mental growth
5.Education philosophy
6.Education of Indian society
7.Psychology methods
8.Scientific and psychological happiness
9.Discipline in education
10.Development psychology
11.Psychology and education process
12.Nature and learning process
13.Group dynamics
14.Educational promotion and planning
15.Child protection and care
16.Child protection Act.

The child also becomes greatly familiar with the people and subjects in his environment.At first, his environment is limited he sees his mother and other members of the family.Since he does not see many other people, objects, or animals, these things appear to him strange and he reacts to this strangeness with fear. As the child grows older his environment expands and he learns new motives and new goals. By the time the child reaches adolescence two general classes of goals that is ,those connected with financial independence and social approval acquire great significance.


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