Measurement,Evaluation and Assessment in Education:/

Pant, G.D.

Measurement,Evaluation and Assessment in Education:/ G.D Pant - 1st ed. 2017. - New Delhi. Global publications. 2017. - 278 p . ; hardbound 15x22cm

1.Introduction to educational evaluation and assessment
2.Assessment tools and techniques
3.Characteristics of a good test
4.Statistical concepts in testing
5.Different aspects of individual measurement
6.Grading performance and results
7.Achievement test
8.Aptitude tests
9.Behaviour and personality assessment
10.The problem of bias
11.Best practice in educational assessment

Assessment and evaluation are central to the educational syatem of a country as they impact the national policy of education,besides helping in framing future strategies for growth of the nation.The process of teaching-learning methods enabling learning outcomes to be determined.The aim of the book is to provide an in depth knowledge and understanding of measurement,evaluation and statistics in education-both from theoretical and practical aspects.It also offers a concise step by step guide that helps in making assessment simple and economical in terms of money and time,besides being a boon for any institution.The book contains effective strategies to facilitate enhanced learning by explaining the interpretation of test scores.


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