Re-engineering of Management Education /


Re-engineering of Management Education / Jagadeesha, - 1st ed. 2013. - Mumbai, Himalaya Publishing House; 2013. - 447 p . ; hardbound 18x25cm

1. The postmodern MBA - a gift to India
2. Code of professional ethics for teachers in higher education - A study of UGC regulations
3. Reengineering management education in India
4. Strategic issues in university - Industry interface
5. Industry- University interface
6. Ethics in higher learning - Management education"
7. Strategy to revive management education
8. Sustaining quality in management education
9. Strategic planning for virtual education in management
10. Relevance of industry-institute interface in management Education
11. Impact of technology on management education
12. Industry- university interface
13. Managing culture in Institutions of Higher Learning
14. Business education : Integrating with university and Industry interface
15.Impact of globalization on higher education in India-challenges and local issues
16. Reengineering of management education - need of the hour
17. Re-engineering of management education through E-learning
18. Developmental Assessment Aided Management education through distance mode:
19. Ethics in higher learning
20. quality parameters for management education offered through open distance learning
21. University and industry interaction - A study
22. Strategy of Management education
23. bench marking as a strategy to revive management education
24. Impact of technology management in education in context of public health service delivery
25. A study on usage of advanced technology in Pedagogical learning" - A case study of management education
26. University industry interface - A study at Karnataka state open University
27. Industry university interface "Re-engineering of management education"
28. Re-engineering of present management education system - Achieving excellence through global quality standards
29. Re-engineering of management education in India - Issues & challenges
30. Re-engineering on management education
31. Ethical issues in marketing of management education
32. Impact of information technology on management education
33. Management education : The present scenario
34. Status of TQM practices in universities - A case study of Kuvempu university
35. Sustainable and inclusive management revival strategy
36. Role of compensation in organisation
37. The investigation about the role of E-Business in management
38. Mitigating industry - academia GAP
39. National council for higher education - issues and challenges vis-a-vis management education
40. Mitigating Industry- academia GAP: A collaborative approach
41. Role of technology in management education
42. Problems of management education
43. Introspection on the state of management education in India - Issues and problems
44. Management education in India- Issues and Challenges
45. students perception towards implementation of technology
46. Perception of management faculties towards adaption of information technology: - A case study of management schools of Mysore city
47. University - Industry interface in management education
48. New vista of management education
49. Role of information technology in higher education
50. Conceptual analysis of issues and success factors of management education in India
51. Re- engineering of management education
52. Use of technology in management education- Merits and demerits
53. Moral values for teachers in management education
54. Myths and realities of MBA program
55. Industry university interface: SWOT analysis
56. An imperative need for industry - University linkage
57. Management education for contemporary challenges: the role of business school
58. A brief study on Re-engineering of management education and ethics in higher learning
59. Student relationship management in management education system
60. Talent management : Acquisition nurturing and retention
61. Technology enhanced higher education
62. Open source web tools in management studies in digital Era
63. Re-engineering of management education through effective knowledge management practices
64. compliance between socila values and educational values in management education - A primary study
65. Re- engineering of management education industry- university interface


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