Recent trends in educational research :/

Tyagi, Pooja

Recent trends in educational research :/ Pooja Tyagi - 1st 2014 - New Delhi. Omega Publications; 2014. - 117 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1.Need a quality research in teacher education
2. Research education
3. Female enrolment and employment of teachers in school education in Andhra Pradesh
4. Teaching aptitude of secondary school teachers teaching in government secondary schools
5. Teaching self-efficacy as a correlate of academic achievement among teacher trainees
6. Ph.D. Research trends in education
7. Status of research in teacher education at M.Med Level - critical study
8. Prospective teachers attitude towards teaching: a study
9. Teaching aptitude of student teachers at different levels of teacher education courses
10. STS : An approach to secure future of prospective learners
11. Externalizing behaviour of adolescents : A comparative study
12. Qualitative research in teacher education: Need of the hour
13. Relative effectiveness of teaching english through multimedia over conventional teaching methodology

" The personal and cumulative experiental knowledge of the education profession has been valued out of proportion to that which could be contributed by research."
The importance of research in an educational setting is often overlooked, however. Educators often forget that they are failing to fulfill their pedagogical responsibilities if they do not remain current in their field of teaching interest. In lieu of using research to better their teaching practice, research is used simply to hold on to a job (hall, 2002). This is unfortunate because it takes away from the most important aspect of educational research, the improvement of one's practice. Educators should look at research as a way to develop new understanding about teaching, learning, and educational administration. This new knowledge has significance because it will lead to the improvement of educational practice (Gall, GAll & Borg,2003)


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