Human Resources Development through Management Education and Training /

Plasapure, Suhas

Human Resources Development through Management Education and Training / Plasapure, Suhas - Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House, 2010. - xv, 169 p. ;

CHAPTER 1: Concept and need for Human Resource Development (HRD);
A) Human Resource
B) Human Resource Planning;
C) Human Resource Management;
D) Human Resource Development;

CHAPTER 2- Role and Management Education and Training Facilities In India-
A) Role of management education and training facilities in India;
B) Working of management Institutions;

CHAPTER 3- Management Education and Training Facilities in India and Maharashtra-
A) Management Institutions in India;
B) Management Institutions in Maharashtra;
C) Important Management Organisation In India;

CHAPTER 4- Value Oriented management Education and Training Facility: Management Education for Women-
A) Value Oriented Management Education an Training Facilities;
B) Management Education for Women;

CHAPTER 5: Role of Management Consultancy Services-
CHAPTER 6: Impact Of Management Education and Training Facilities of Management Students and Trainees;

CHAPTER 7: Conclusions And Recommendations-
A) A critical Appraisal;
B) Scenario of Management Education and Training Facilities;
C) Problems, Suggestions and Recommendations;

We are in 21st century with some specific objectives of progress and development. Human Capital of Human Resource is one of the precious resources available in the organization. Human resource development improves the skills and capabilities of an individual for the new functions. The objectives of Management education are to prepare the managers of competence with dynamism. The Management education and training are imparted by the different Management institutions in the country.

The excellence of management education and training have the impact on Human Resource Development and growth of a country. The study is indispensable as a text, reference and research pursuits.


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