Indians: A Brief History of a Civilization

Arora Namit

Indians: A Brief History of a Civilization english Namit Arora - India Penguin Random House 2021 - 296 p. ; hard bound 14x22 cm

Introduction: The Lost Worlds of India 1

1 The Mysteries of Dholavira (2600-1900 BCE) 10

2 Megasthenes's India (c. 300 BCE) 40

3 The Void of Nagarjunakonda (c. 220-c. 320 CE) 50

4 Faxian, Xuanzang and Yijing in India (400-700 CE) 75

5 The Vision of Nalanda (c. 425-c. 1350 CE) 95

6 Alberuni's India (1017-30 CE) 123

7 The Enigma of Khajuraho (c. 950-c. 1250 CE) 135

8 Marco Polo's India (1292 CE) 166

9 The Innovations of Vilayanagar at Hampi (c. 1336-1565 CE) 175

10 François Bernier's India (1658-69 CE) 213

11 The Faiths of Varanasi (800 BCE-) 228
Acknowledgements 25
Notes 259
Index 285


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