My Life in my Words

Tagore Rabindranath

My Life in my Words english Rabindranath Tagore - Uma Das Gupta - New Delhi Penguin Books 2006 - x,395 p. soft bound 13x19.5 cm

My Life
My Family and the Changing Times
My Boyhood Days
My Father and Mother
A New Chapter in My Life
Leaving Home Ahmedabad and England 187879
My Education
VisvaBharati Sriniketan A Scheme for Village Reconstruction
In China 1924
An Unexpected Stop in Argentina
Gandhiji and I
In Europe Again 1926
An Uneasy though Versatile Period 192731
More Travel More Poetry More Drama
Crisis and Hope My Last Years 193741

Writing Poetry
Restless Years 188390
On the Threshold of Thirty
My Wife and Children
Letters to My Children
Starting My School at Santiniketan 1901
My Experience of the Swadeshi Movement
Gitanjali and the Nobel Prize 1913
My Travels in Japan and the USA 191617
Renouncing the Knighthood and My Arguments against NonCooperation
A World in One Nest VisvaBharati University Santiniketan


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