International Studies: Global Forces, Interactions and Tensions/

Straus, Scott

International Studies: Global Forces, Interactions and Tensions/ Scott Straus & Barry Driscoll - 2nd ed - New Delhi: Sage Publication, 2022. - xxiv, 520p. softbound 18*23 cm.

1. Global interactions and global tensions
2. The making of our global age: forces, interactions, and tensions since 1800
3. States, Shapers and subjects and global interactions
4. Intergovernmental organizations: sites of global governance
5. Civil society: agents of change in global interactions
6. Social identities and culture: Shaping interactions at the individual and societal levels
7. Money: Propelling global interactions
8. Democracy and representation: struggles for freedom and efforts to restrict it
9. Human rights: The challenge of setting and enforcing global norms
10. Development: the challenge of global poverty
11. civil wars and terrorism
12. Migration: confronting the myths of human movement
13. Global health: Addressing inequalities in outcomes
14. Global environment: confronting the challenge of climate change
15. Global Food: How can we solve world hunger


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