The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Hardy:/

Kramer, Dale

The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Hardy:/ Dale Kramer - New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 1999. - xxvi, 231p. softbound 15*22 cm.

1. Thomas Hardy: the biographical sources
2. Wessex
3. Art and aesthetics
4. The influence of religion, science, and philosophy on Hardy's writings
5. Hardy and critical theory
6. Thomas Hardy and matters of gender
7. Variants on genre: The return of the native, the mayor of casterbridge, the hand of ethelberta
8. The patriarchy of class
9. The radical aesthetic of Tess of the d'Urbervilles
10. Hardy and readers: Jude the obscure
11. Hardy as a ninetenth-century poet
12. The modernity of Thomas Hardy's poetry


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