Applied Recommender Systems With Python Build Recommender Systems with Deep Learning, NLP and Graph-Based Techniques

Kulkarni Akshay

Applied Recommender Systems With Python Build Recommender Systems with Deep Learning, NLP and Graph-Based Techniques English Akshay Kulkarni, Adarsha Shivananda, - India Apress 2023 - v,248 pages, ; soft bound 17x25 cm

1. Introduction to Recommendation Systems
2. Market Basket Analysis (Association Rule Mining)
3. Content-Based Recommender Systems
4. Collaborative Filtering
5. Collaborative Filtering Using Matrix Factorization, Singular Value Decomposition, and Co-Clustering
6. Hybrid Recommender Systems
7. Clustering-Based Recommender Systems
8. Classification Algorithm–Based Recommender Systems
9. Deep Learning–Based Recommender System
10. Graph-Based Recommender Systems
11. Emerging Areas and Techniques in Recommender Systems


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