Economics Development and Planning

Agarwal R.C

Economics Development and Planning English R.C Agarwal - Agra Lakshmi Narain Agarwal 2002 - vi-238 p. ; soft bound 14x22cm


Economic Development and Economic Growth
Characteristics of an Underdeveloped Country
Obstacles to Economic Development Or Obstacles to Economic Growth and Development
Modern Economic Growth—Meaning and Characteristics
The Classical Theory of Economic Development–Adam Smith, David Ricardo, T. R. Maithus and J. S. Mill etc.
The Neo-Classical Theory of Growth
Marxian Theory Or Karl Marx’s Theory of Economic Development (1818-1883)
The Schumpeterian Theory (1883-1950)
Keynes Theory of Economic Development
Nurkse’s Theory of Disguised Unemployment and Economic Development
Rostow’s Stages of Economic Growth
Lewis Theory of Unlimited Supplies of Labour (Lewis Model)
Leibenstein’s Critical Minimum Effort Theory or Thesis (Leibenstein’s Model)
The Big Push Theory (Rosenstein Rodan’s Thesis)
The Theory of Balanced Growth (Fredrick List)
Theory of Unbalanced Growth Or Strategy (Doctrine) of Unbalanced Growth
Dualistic Theories
The Harrod-Domar Models
Meade’s Neo-Classical Model of Economic Growth
Mrs. Joan Robinson’s Golden Age Model of Economic Growth...................................................................


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