Fables Of Identity Studies In Poetic Mythologic


Fables Of Identity Studies In Poetic Mythologic English Northrop Frye - New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovick, Publishers 1963 - 264 p. ; Soft Bound 14*21.5 cm

The Archetypes of Literature
Myth, Fiction and Displacement
Nature and Homer
New Directions from Old
The Structure Of Imagery in The Faerie Queene
How True a Twain
Recognition In The Winter's Tale
Literature As Context: Milton's Lycidas
Towards Defining An Age Of Sensibility
Blake After Two Centuries
The Imaginative And The Imaginary
Lord Byron
Emily Dickinson
Yeats And The Language of Symbolism
The Realistic Oriole: A Study Of Wallace Stevens
Quest And Cycle in Finnegans Wake


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