Critical Social Work Theories and Practices for a Socially &Just World

Allan June

Critical Social Work Theories and Practices for a Socially &Just World english June Allan, Linda Briskman, - 2nd ed 2020 - New York Routledge 2020 - ix-352 p. sof tbound 17.6* 23 cm

List of Contributors

Part I: Introduction

1 Introducing critical theories for social work in a neo-liberal context

Part II: Developing conceptual frameworks for critical social work

2 Tracing the origins of critical social work practice

3 Theorising new developments in critical social work

4 From evidence-based practice to critical knowledge in post-positivist social work

5 Promoting a human rights perspective on critical social work

6 Doing critical social work

Part III: Resisting domination and oppression

7 Towards anti-racist and culturally affirming practices

8 Reversing colonial practices with Indigenous peoples

9 Reconstructing social work practices with families

10 Examining the meaning of childhood in critical social work practice

11 Using critical reflection to improve feminist practice

12 Challenges and directions for profeminist practice with men
13 Empower..........................................................................


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