Traction Get a Grip on your Business

Wickman Gino

Traction Get a Grip on your Business english Gino Wickman - USA Benbella Books 2011 - xiii-249 p. soft bound 15.2*23 cm

Chapter 1 The Entrepreneurial Operating System® Strengthening the Six Key Components 1

Chapter 2 Letting Go of the Vine 13

Chapter 3 The Vision Component: Do They See What You Are Saying? 27

Answering the Eight Questions 31

Shared by All 74

Chapter 4 The People Component: Surround Yourself with Good People 79

Right People 85

Right Seats 89

Chapter 5 The Data Component: Safety in Numbers 113

Scorecard 116

Measurables 122

Chapter6 The Issues Component: Decide! 129

The Issues List 133

The Issues Solving Track 136

Chapter7 The Process Component: Finding Your Way 147

Documenting Your Core Processes 151

Followed by All 158

Chapter8 The Traction Component: From Luftmensch to Action! 163

Rocks 170

Meeting Pulse 176

Chapter 9 Pulling It All Together: The Grand Journey 199

Chapter10 Getting Started 219

About the Author and Eos Worldwide 229

Get a Grip: Excerpt From the Author's Upcoming Book 231

Acknoweledgements 237

Index 241


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