Refashioning India Gender,Media and a Transformed Public Discourse

Chaudhuri Maitrayee

Refashioning India Gender,Media and a Transformed Public Discourse English Maityaree Chaudhuri - New Delhi Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd 2017 - 325 p. Hard Bound 14.5*22.2 cm

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Citizens,workers.Emblems of Culture: An Analysis of the First Plan Document
Chapter 3: Gender in the making of the Indian Nation State
Chapter 4: Gender and Advertisement: The Rhetoric of Globalization
Chapter 5: 'Feminisn' in Print Media
Chapter 6: A Question of choice:Advertisement,Media,and Democracy
Chapter 7: The Family and Its Representation:From Indology to Market Research
Chapter 8: Nationalism is not what it used to be: Can Feminism be and Different
Chapter 9: The Indian and Its Transformed Public
Chapter 10: Gender,Media,and Popular Culture in q Global India
Chapter 11: National and Global Media Discourse after 'Nirbhaya':Instant Access and Unequal Knowledge
Chapter 12: The 2014 General Elections and Afterwards: A Churning Public Discourse and the New Hegemony


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