Theories of personality /

Schultz Duane P.

Theories of personality / Duane P. Schultz & Sydney Ellen Schultz. - 10th ed. 2013. - New Delhi. Cengage Learning India pvt. Ltd. 2013. - 479 p . ; softbound 20x25cm

1. Studying Personality: Assessment, Research and theory
2. Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis
3. Carl Jung: Analytical psychology
4. Alfred Alder: Individual psychology
5. Karen Horney: Neurotic needs and trends
6. Erik Erikson: Identity theory
7. Gordon Allport: Motivation and personality
8. Raymond Cattell, Hans Eysenck, and other trait theorists
9. Abraham Maslow: Needs-Hierarchy theory
10. Carl Rogers: Self-Actualization theory
11. George Kelly: Personal Construct theory
12. B.F. Skinner: Reinforcement Theory
13. Albert Bandura: Modeling Theory


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