The far East :

Clyde Paul H

The far East : A history of the Western Impact and the Eastern Response (1830-1970) / Paul H. Clyde & Burton F. Beers. - 5th ed. 1971. - New Jersey. Prentice Hall; 1971. - 536 p . ; hardbound 18x24cm

1. On history in general, and this history in particular
2. Ways of life in old china
3. Ideas on Government in old China
4. Ways of life in old Japan
5. The west discovers Eastern Asia
6. China Submits: The treaty system
7. China, 1848-1860: The new sino-Western order in East Asia
8. Japan, 1603-ca. 1840: The making and breaking of the Tokugawa Regime
9. Japan, 1840-1865: The collapse of isolation
10. Japan, 1865-1889: from feudal to constitutional Government
11. Japan: Economic and cultural bases of the Meiji government
12. China, 1860-1890: An uneasy interlude
37.The new southeast Asia in world affairs


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