Statistical reasoning in the Behavioral sciences /

King Bruce M

Statistical reasoning in the Behavioral sciences / Bruce M. King & Edward W. Minium. - 5th ed. 2018. - New Delhi. John Wiley & sons; 2018. - 487 p . ; softbound 18x24cm

1. Introduction
2. Frequency distributions, percentiles, and percentile rank
3. Graphic representation of frequency distributions
4. Central tendency
5. Variability and standard scores
6. Standard scores and the normal curve
7. Correlation
8. Prediction
9. Interpretive aspects of correlation and regression
10. Probability
11. Random sampling and sampling distributions
12. Introduction to statistical inference: Testing hypotheses about single means (z and t)
13. Interpreting the results of hypothesis testing: Effect size, type I and type II errors, and power
14. Testing hypotheses about the difference between two independent groups
15. Testing for a difference between two dependent groups
16. Inference about correlation coefficients
17. An alternative to hypothesis testing: confident intervals
18. Chi-square and inference about frequencies
19. Testing for differences among three or more groups: one-way analysis OF VARIANCE
20. Factorial analysis of variance: The two-factor design for independent groups
21. Some assumption-free tests


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