Human Memory :

Baddeley Alan

Human Memory : Theory and practice / Alan Baddeley. - 2001. - UK. Psychology press; 2001. - 423 p . ; softbound 19x24cm

1. Why do we need memory?
2. Perceiving and remembering
3. How many kinds of memory? The evidence for STM
4. The role of memory in cognition: working memory
5. Visual imagery and the visuo-spatial sketchpad
6. Attention and the control of memory
7. When practice makes perfect
8. Organizing and learning
9. Acquiring habits
10. When memory fails
11. Retrieval
12. Recollection and autobiographical memory
13. Knowledge
14. Where next? connectionism rides again!
15. Memory, emotion and cognition
16. Understanding Amnesia
17. Treating memory problems
18. Consciousness
19. Implicit learning
20. Recollection and implicit memory


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