Reflection /

Phukan Devojit

Reflection / Devojit Phukan & Roshan Sarmah. - 1st ed. 2014. - Assam. Publication cell; 2014. - 388 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1. From metric tensor to Einstein equation of general relativity
2. On the threshold: New media as an answer to mediation
3. Sadi Carnot's contribution behind the second law of yhermodynamics
4. Teaching -learning of mathematics - its problems and remedies
5. Anti- defection law turns pro-defective
6. Effect of PVA on the structural properties of Nanostructured thin film of PbS
7. Iron production and smelting industry in Pre-colonial Assam- A brief study
8. Arms struggles and peace process in Assam
9. Study of diversity, distribution and conservation status of Lizard Fauna of Golaghat District Assam
10. Importance of Blue-green ALgae to mankind
11. Thin film technology: An introduction to deposition techniques and overview
12. Development planning in India: A eed for assimilation
13. utilization of plants as medicine for curing various ailments by the peoples of mongoloid origin of upper Brahmaputra valley, Assam,India
14. Unemployment problem of Assam
15. Collection development in the college libraries: A brief study
16. Future of man as reflected in divine humanism of Sri Aurobindo
17. Magical and religious importance of animals by the tribal people of Arunachal Pradesh
18. A brief history of turtles and their exploitation in Northeast India with special reference to Kaziranga National Park
19. Management of floodplain wetlands of Assam
20. Biodiversity: Protection and conservation in Arunachal pradesh
21. The political empowerment of women
22. Labour or total factor productivity evidence from India
23. Nanopore hosted metal catalyzed Azide-Alkyne click chemistry: A short review
24. Reorganization of Assam: Response of Assamese middle class


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