Experimental design in psychological research /

Edwards Allen L

Experimental design in psychological research / Allen L. Edwards. - 4th ed. 1972. - New York. Holt, Rinehart and winston; 1972. - 488 p . ; hardbound 15x24cm

1. The nature of research
2. Principles of experimental design
3. Approximation of the probabilities associated with sampling from binomial populations
4. Some tests of significance using the x2 distribution
5. The t test for means
6. Heterogeneity of variance
7. The analysis of variance for a randomized group design
8. Multiple comparisons on treatment means and sums
9. The 2n factorial experimental
10. Factorial experiments: Factors with more than two levels
11. Models for factorial experiments with a randomized group design
12. Factorial experiments: Further considerations
13. Randomized block designs
14. Randomized block designs: Repeated measures
15. Latin square designs
16. Latin square designs: repeated measures
17. Trend analysis designs
18. The analysis of covariance for a randomized group design
19. The method of least squares


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