Citizenship and multiculturalism in western liberal democracies /

Tabachnick David Edward

Citizenship and multiculturalism in western liberal democracies / David Edward Tabachnick & Leah Bradshaw. - 2017. - New York. Lexington books; 2017. - 189 p . ; hardbound 16x24cm

1. Aristotelian citizenship for a multicultural world
2. Challenges to a deliberative model of citizenship
3. Secularism as a common good
4. Citizenship against the nation
5. Multicultural taxpayers and Canadian citizenship: Between the end of history and the class of civilizations
6. Majoritarian interculturalism and multicultural nationalism
7. Multiculturalism and national identity in Canada and the United States after september 11,2001
8. Civic virtue and cultural pluralism from the standpoint of the other: Debating multiculturalism in the age of security and surveillance
9. The European Union as a transnational republic?: Consociational, Multicultural, and post-territorial dimensions
10. Striking a Balance? The battle for Euskara in a diversifying Basque country


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