The Naked nagas /

Fiirer-Haimendorf Christopher Von

The Naked nagas / Christoph Von Fiirer-Haimendorf. - 2016. - New Delhi. Abhijeet Pubications; 2016. - 239 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1. The Naga Hills
2. Feasts of merit
3.An orgy in stone
4. Above the clouds
5. Heathens and Baptists
6. Death in the rains
7. Fishing with tactful companions
8. The harvest
9. The girls club of Punkhung
10. Paradise in the jungle
11. Sacred chiefs
12. Towards unknown country
13.The camp on a peak
14. The rescued slaves
15. Yimpang's black day
16. Into the blue
17. Pangsha burns
18. A Skirmish with head-hunter
19. Making the peace
20. with Pangsha's enemies
21. The white head-hunter
22. Love and poetry
23. The spring festival
24. The world beyond
25. Farewell


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