The political ideas of Harold J. Laski:/

Deane Herbert Andrew

The political ideas of Harold J. Laski:/ Herbert Andrew Deane. - 1972. - USA. Columbia University Press. 1972. - 370 p . ; Hardbound 16x23cm

Part One 1914-1924
1.The nature of the state and political power
2.Obedience ,liberty and equality
3.Economic and political change
Part Two :1925-1931
4.The nature of the state and political power
5.Obedience, Liberty and equality
6.Economic and political change
Part Three;1932-1939
7.The nature of the state and political power
8.Obedience.Liberty and equality
9.Economic and political change
Part four 1940-1945
10.The nature of the state and political power
11.Obedience ,Liberty and equality
12.Economic and political change
Part five 1946-1950
Part five :1946-1950
13.The last years
14.America and russia
15.The cold war
Part six:Conclusion
16.Unfulfilled promise


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