Political Theory:/

Asirvatham Eddy, Misra K.K

Political Theory:/ Eddy Asirvatham & K.K Misra. - 2018. - New Delhi. S Chand and company Limited. 2018. - 845 p . ; softbound 14x22cm

1.The nature ,scope and methods of political science
2.Politics as a social process
3.History, political theory and ideology
4.The nature of the state
5.The origin of the state
6.The historical development of the state
7.The social contract theory of hobbes,Locke and Rousseau
8.The justification and the end of state
9.The proper sphere of state Action
10.The welfare state
11.Theory of state:Its comparative dimensions
12.Nature of state in capitalist society
13.Nature of state in socialist systems
14.Comparing the nature and role of the state in developed and developing societies
15.Theories of Rights
16.Particular Rights
17.Liberty and equality
18.The concept of equality
20.Political pluralism
22.The concept of justice
23.Classification of states and constitutions
24.Organisation of government
26.Theories of democracy
27.Liberalism and Utilitarianism in politics
28.Idealism and pragmatism in politics
29.Nationalism ,Imperialism and internationalism
30.The evolution of communistic thought
31.Marxists theories of Alienation,Freedom, state and Revolution
32.Socialism after marx
33.Fascism and nazism
34.The united nations
35.Political thought of mahatma Gandhi
36.Political philosophy of Laski
37.Comparative study of Ideologies
40.Politics of the millennium


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