Ethnicity, Security and Separatism in India /

Chandda Maya

Ethnicity, Security and Separatism in India / Maya Chadda. - 1997. - New York. Columbia University Press. 1997. - 286 p . ; softbound 15x23cm

Chapter 1-Neither Hegemonic nor defensive:A third perspective on India;s security
Chapter 2-Forging Relational control:security in the Nehru Years
Chapter 3-Narratives of ethnic nations:The sikhs, the Kashmiris and the Tamils
Chapter 4-Restoring Relational control:Indira Gandhi's first term
Chapter 5-The erosion of the supranational state:India under Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi
Chapter 6-From protest to militancy:Punjab and Kashmir
Chapter 7-Collapsing frontiers:Indo-Lanka Relations since the 1980s
Chapter 8-Collapsing frontiers:Indo-pakistan Relations since the 1980s
Chapter 9-The past as Prologue:Looking Ahead


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