Recent Trends in Public Administration /

Dubhashi P.R

Recent Trends in Public Administration / P.R Dubhashi. - 2017. - New Delhi. Kaveri Books. 2017. - 292 p . ; Hardbound 14x22cm

Part I-General
1.Trends in public Administration in south Asia
2.Excellence in Administration
3.Can we make India Smooth Running?
4.Work Ethic in Government
5.Administration challenges in Development
6.Public administration for 21st century
7.Importance of field administration
8.Promoting efficiency in the civil service
9.India's political administrators
10.The ICS and the IAS
11.Civil service yesterday and Today
12.Role of administrator in the changing environment
13.Transplanting british administrative institutions
14.Whither Indian Bureaucracy
Part II-Policy Making
15.The concept and importance of policy formulation in government
16.Policy making in India
17.Policy making in India-Three case studies
18.Jawaharlal Nehru and public administration
19.Indira Gandhi and public administration:Some Reminiscences
Part III-Bureaucracy
21.Bureaucracy-The challenges of change
22.The decline of the civil service
23.Generalist vs Specialist
Part IV-Training
24.Training system of civil servants in india
25.Training for transformation:Tasks ahead
26.New dimensions of training in public administration
27.Training of trainers in Public administration
Part V-Politics, administration and public interest
28.Role of Bureaucracy vis a vis the political executive
29.Public accountability and ethics in administration
Part VI-Administration of public enterprises
30.Politico-social environment and public sector enterprises
31.Public enterprises-state policies and manegerial improvement


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