Songs of Innocence and of Experience :

Blake William

Songs of Innocence and of Experience : Showing the two contrary states of the human Soul / William Blake. - 1925. - London. Methuen & Co.LTD 1925. - 70 p . ; softbound 15x22cm

Songs of Innocence
The Echoing Green
The Lamb
The Shepherd
Infant Joy
The Little Black Boy
Laughing Song
A cradle song
Nurse's Song
Holy Thursday
The Blossom
The chimney-sweeper
The Devine Image
A dream
On Another's Sorrow
The Little Boy Lost
The Little Boy Found
Songs of Experience
Faith's Answer
Nurse's Song
The Fly
The Tiger
The Little Girl Lost
The Little Girl Found
The clod and the pebble
The Little Vagabond
Holy Thursday
A poison Tree
The Angel
The Sick Rose
To Tirzah
The voice of the ancient bard
My pretty Rose-Tree
The Lily
The Garden of Love
A little Boy Lost
Infant Sorrow
The Schoolboy
A Little Girl Lost
The Chimney-sweeper
The Human Abstract
A divine Image


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