Microeconomics /

Jhingan M.L

Microeconomics / M.L Jhingan. - 8th ed. 2018. - Delhi. Vrinda publications. 2018. - 534 p . ; softbound 18x24cm

1.The nature and scope of economics
2.Some basic concepts
3.Methodological issues in economics
4.Methods,laws and assumption of economic theory
5.Economic models
6.Choice as economic problem,production possibility curve and circular flow of economic activity
7.Micro-and macroeconomics
8.Economic statics and dynamics
9.Economy-Its vital processes and basic problems
10.Economic systems
11.Price system,role of price mechanism and consumers sovereignty
12.The concept of equilibrium
13.The neo-classical utility analysis
14.Demand and law of demand
15.The indifference curve theory
16.The concept of consumer's surplus
17.The revealed preferences theory of demand
18.The elasticity of demand
19.Factors of production
20.Characteristics of land and labour
21.Theories of population
22.Division of labour and machinery
23.Capital and capital formation
24.Localisation of industries
25.Economies of scale and scope
26.Types of business Units
28.Laws of returns:The traditional approach
29.Laws of returns:The Isoquant-Isocost approach
30.The nature of costs and cost curves
31.Market structures
32.The concept of revenue
33.Supply-Its law,Elasticity and curves
34.Equilibrium of the firm and industry under perfect competition
35.Pricing under perfect competition:Demand and supply basic framework
36.Application of demand and supply analysis under perfect competition
37.Joint demand and supply
39.Monopsony and bilateral monopoly
40.Monopolistic competition
41.Duopoly and Oligopoly
42.Objectives of business firm
43.Profit maximisation ,full cost pricing and sales maximisation theory
44.pricing of public undertakings
45.Linear programming
46.National Income:Meaning and measurement
47.Inequality of incomes
48.Theories of distribution
49.Distributive shares:The product exhaustion theorem
54.Break-even analysis
55.Investment analysis and social cost benefit
56.Nature of welfare economics
57.Economic welfare and national income
58.The classical and marshallian welfare economics
59.Pigovian welfare economics and externalities
60.Wefare criteria
61.Welfare maximisation
62.Pareto optimality and market failure
63.Rawl's theory of justice
64.Asymmetric information


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