Population change and health care /

Shekar Raj

Population change and health care / Dr.Raj Shekar. - 1st ed. 2014. - New delhi. Omega publications. 2014. - 264 p . ; hardbound 14x23cm

1.Demographics of India
2.Demographic transition
3.Social determinants of health
4.Health consequences of population changes in Asia
5.Emerging health issues:The widening challenge for population health promotion
6.State of health of India's poor urban and Rural population
7.Demographic change,age structure transition and ageing in India:Issues and challenges
8.Population perspectives:understanding health trends and evaluating the health care system
9.Stabilising India's population
10.Health sector in India
11.Health care in India-version 2020
12.Population growth :trends, projections, challenges and opportunities
13.Population of India :changing realities, changing needs
14.Human resources for public health in India-issues and challenges
15.Population health interventions and scheduled tribes in India
16.Stabilisation of population and national population policy

This book combines the disciplines of population change and public health by describing how applied demographic techniques can be used to help address public health issues.Besides addressing the impact of aging on health and health-related expenditure,cause specific mortality and maternal health and morbidity the book provides several chapters on special analysis and methodological issues.


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