Vimana :

Kapoor S.

Vimana : flying in Ancient India / S. Kapoor. - 1st ed. 2009. - New Delhi. Cosmo Publications; 2009. - 126 p . ; hardbound. 14x22cm

1. Ancient Indian Aircraft technology, By David H. Childress
2. Ancient Vimana Aircraft, By John Burrows
3. The story of Vimanas: India's tradition of flying machines, By Srigopal V. Gopalkrishna
4. Ufos: The vedic perspective, by Atmatattva Das
5. A history about the Vimanas, By Jerry W. Decker and Chuck Henderson
6. Ancient writings tell of UFO visit in 4000 B.C. By John Burrows.

In the early literature of India, there are many descriptions of flying machines that are generally called Vimanas. Thse fall into two categories: 1) Manmade craft that resemble airplanes and fly with the aid of birdlike wings and
2) Structure that fly in a manner and are generally not made by human beings.


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