The secret Lore of India /

Teape W.M

The secret Lore of India / W.M. Teape. - 1st ed. 2001. - New Delhi. Cosmo Publications; 2001. - 345 p . ; hardbound 15x24cm

1. The world as the horse sacrifice
2. The evolution of the cosmos or the attainment of a body of complete self-sacrifice analysis
3. The Emanations from and the return to itself of the unitive self
4. Macrocosm and Microcosm
5. The open way at death
6. The creed of Sandilya and a song there on by Paul Eberhardt
7. What certain creatures of the wilderness taught Satyakama
8. How spirit became the all
9. The self creative
10. The instruction given by Uddalaka to his son Svetaketu
11. The bird of paradise
12. The instruction Yajnavalkya gave to Janaka, king of the Videhas
13. Yajnavalkya's last testament
14. The world beyond
15. The secret teaching given to the Gods and demons by the Lord of creatures regarding the true self
16. The advantage of knowledge of one's nature
17. The eight wardens of the head
18. The homage given by all things to him who in all things sees the self
19. The meaning of the thunder
20. The supremacy of the real
21. The false in truth's embrace
22. The supreme Austerities
23. The sin-deterrent fire
24. The necessity that the self should reveal itself to itself.


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