Administrative thought :

Kumar Ashok

Administrative thought : A brief survey / Ashok Kumar. - 1st ed. 2012. - New Delhi. Global Publications; 2012. - 296 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1. Introduction
2. Abraham Maslow
3. Theory of Chris Argyris
4.D. Waldo's Theory
5. Frederick Herzberg
6.Frederick W. Taylor and Administration
7. Fred W. Riggs
8. Henry Fayol and administration
9. Herbert A. Simon
10. Kautilya's Administration
11. Luther Gulick And Urwick
12. Max Weber's theory of bureaucracy
13. McGregor Douglas
14. Peter M. Blau

Before the beginning of parliamentary system of government and introduction of parliamentary institutions there was no specialisation of functions. with the start of the system however, stress began to be laid on functional specialisation.


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