Domestic Violence :

Alim Farzana ,Sarkar Sukanta

Domestic Violence : Problem and Solutions / Farzana Alim, Sukanta SArkar. - 1st ed. 2015. - Delhi. Manglam publications. 2015. - 281 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1.Domestic violence:A social crime
2.Domestic violence as part of every day life
3.Domestic violence and its impact on development of a society
4.Domestic violence against women:A human rights violation
5.Domestic violence against women
6.Eve teasing and women
7.Personal laws as a determining factor of intimate partner violence
8.Marital stability:A cure and control for domestic violence among women
9.Bride burning and women rights
10.Acid throwing:A growing crime
11.Dowry system:a social evil
12.Marital rape:Under stake on women rights
13.Honor killing:A social offence
14.Sati practice in India
15.Honour killing:A murder
16.Domestic violence against women in Tripura :An analysis.

Domestic violence is a pattern of behaviour which involves the abuse by one partner against another in an aintimate relationship such as marriage,cohabitation,dating or within the family.


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