An introduction to Micro economics /

Bose D

An introduction to Micro economics / D. Bose & A. Marimuthu. - 2nd ed. 2016. - Mumbai. Himalaya Publishing house; 2016. - 357 p . ; hardbound 16x26cm

1. Introduction
2. Concept of equilibrium
3. Cardinal Analysis
4. Ordinal Analysis
5. Revealed preference theory
6. Individual behaviour under situations involving risk and uncertainity
7. Factors of production
8. Theory of production
9. Production functions
10. Value
11. Cost and cost curves
12. Revenue and revenue curves
13. Supply analysis
14. Perfect competition
15. Imperfect competition
16. Monopoly
17. Discriminating monopoly
18. Bilateral monopoly
19. Monopsony
20. Duopoly
21. Oligopoly
22. Non-collusive oligopoly or classical models of oligopoly
23. Theories of oligopoly pricing
24. Monopolistic competition
25. Distribution
26. Rent
27. Wage
28. Interest
29. Profit


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