The limits of tolerance : Indian secularism and the politics of religious /

Das Ajay

The limits of tolerance : Indian secularism and the politics of religious / Ajay Das. - 1st ed. 2016. - New delhi. Global publications. 2016. - 254 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1.Religion,tolerance and intolerance views from across the disciplines
2.Religious tolerance and the challenge of secularism
3.States,religious diversity and the crisis of secularism
4.Genesis of communalism and communal violence
5.Communalism:A conceptual framework
6.Freedom of religion in India
7.Problems of secularism in India
8.Uniform civil cod9.Electoral functions of religion in post-independence india
10.Hindutva and the politicization of religious identity in india
11.Issues and challenges to India secularism and rights to religion
12.Indian democracy and the hindu populism:The modi regime

Some people say India has become intorelant.The protest and return of medals are the kind of reaction the intelligentia show.But the history of secularism dates back to the ancient days.It is this context the book provides a critical history of the distinctive tradition of indian secularism known as tolerance.Since it was first advanced by Mohandas Gandhi,the tolerance ideal has measured secularism and civil religiosity by contrast with proselytizing religion.In indian today it is reforms debates over how the right to religious freedom should be interpreted on the subcontinent.Not only has tolerance been an important political ideal since the early twentieth century the framing assumptions of tolerance permeate historical understanding among scholars of south asian religion and politics.It examines the present state of secularism in india in a comprehensive manner.


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