Bureaucratic behaviour in Administration /

Bhargav D.K

Bureaucratic behaviour in Administration / D.K Bhargav. - 1st ed. 2013. - New delhi. Omega publications. 2013. - 279 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1.Bureaucratic theory
2.Legitimacy for public administration
3.Max weber and beaucracy
4.Behavioural approach
5.Bureaucracy and governance
6.Organisational administrative phenomena
7.Bureaucracy and political executive
8.MBO and administration
9.Public and private administration
10.Fayol's administrative theory
11.New public management
12.Political compulsions and bureaucracy
13.Success of beaucracy building.

Bureaucracy as an organisational model was first developed systematically by Max weber an eminee german sociologist in the nineteeth century.According to him every organisation can be defined as a structure of activities(meals) directed towards the achievements of certain objectives(ends).The maximise efficiency and productivity every organisation develops a system of specialisation(division of tasks) and a set of systematic rules and procedures.Weber stressed that the beaucratic form is capable of attaining the highest degree of efficiency and is in this sense formally the most rational known means of carrying out control over human beings in any organisation.It is superior to every other form in precision,stability ,discipline and reliability.


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