Methodology of Sociological Research /

Kashyap Alok Kumar

Methodology of Sociological Research / Dr.Alok Kumar Kashyap. - 1st ed. 2011. - Delhi. Ancient publishing house. 2011. - 288 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1.Scientific study of social phenomenon
2.Methods of sociological research
3.Normative survey research
4.Individuality and social adjustment
5.Respecification of research
6.Emile durkhem and sociological method.
7.Historical and philosophical research
8.Experimental research
9.Design of sociological research
10.Interpretation of research
11.Procedure of hypothesis testing

Research in social sciences as in other fields is a search for knowledge.It provides assistance in making reasonable decisions.A knowledge of the research process is essebtial both for these who take an active role in the conduct of research and for those who desire to keep abreast of the new knowledge being contributed by others through research.Like the reasoning of a detective the work of a social scientist combines elementary logic and an elusive"aha" experience.The lessons in this book are lessons in logic because they can be taught and learned.The aim of the book is to have researchers become dell in exploring the problems of the social world so that they too can find solutions.


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