Child care and Hospitality /

Awasthi P.K

Child care and Hospitality / P.K Awasthi. - 1st ed. 2014. - Delhi. Ancient publishing house. 2014. - 292 p . ; hardbound 14x23cm

1.Baby friendly hospital initiative
2.Childhood and child discipline
3.Practice of adoption in society
4.Child development
5.Gender of rearing and woman
7.Postpartum psychosis
9.Pygmalion effect

The goals of human parenting are debated.Usually parenting figures provide for a child's physical needs,protect them from harm,and impart in them skills and cultural values until they reach legal adulthood,usually after adolescence.Among non-human species,parenting is usually less lengthy and complicated,though mammals tend to nurture their young extensively.The degree of attention parents invest in their
off spring is largely inversely proportional to the number of offspring the average adult in the species produces.


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