History of English Literature /

Patil B.N

History of English Literature / B.N. Patil. - 1st ed. 2014. - New Delhi. Pearl Books; 2014. - 312 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1. Study and judge literature
2. The Britons and the Anglo-Saxons to A.D. 1066
3.The Norman-French period AD 1066 to about 1350
4. The end of the middle ages about 1350 to about 1500
5. The medieval drama
6. The Renaissance and the reign of Elizabeth
7. The drama from about 1550 to 1642
8. The seventeenth century, 1603-1660 prose and poetry
9. The Restoration 1660-1700
10. The eighteenth century, Pseudo-Classicism and the beginnings of modern romanticism
11. The romantic Triumph, 1798 to about 1830
12. The Victorian period about 1830 to 1901

Since the drawn of civilization man always wanted to record his feelings and observations, hence, he invented first language and then script. The records of various periods and about music, art, culture and tradition is known as literature. This book is a sincere effort of the author to present all facts in a lucid language in a form of book.


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