Encyclopedia of Global Warming /

Syed M.H

Encyclopedia of Global Warming / M.H Syed, M.M Khan. - 1st ed. 2008. - Mumbai. Himalaya publishing house. 2008. - 340 p . ; hardbound 15x22cm

1.Gases of greenhouses
2.Hole in ozone layer
3.Earth's atmosphere
4.Kinetics of atmosphere
5.Motion in atmosphere
6.Moisture in atmosphere
7.Importance of biosphere
8.Extreme climate changes.

Global warming is a current and burning topic,today. To comprehend it is; the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere, due to increases level of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Extreme weather events rise in the sea level and plethora of diseases are some of the serious concerns.which have drawn attention of policy makers and scientists. It has a number of negative effects on say natural system and creatures such as butterflies ,alpine herbs, life cycle of birds and plantation,etc.Given harmful impacts initiatives have been taken both on national and international levels. Focus is on how to lessen its increasing effect the world over.Rapidly increasing industrialisation and the smoke emitted by vehicles are some of the prime reasons, behind global warming.The important initiatives taken so far include united nations framework convention on climate change(UNFCCC) and the kyoto protocol.However it appears to be an impossible task to put a check on it effectively- not to say of decreasing its degree.THe reason is that the effects we experienced today are mainly related to emissions that took place long ago.Nevertheless efforts are on to achieve the goal day in and day out. Present work is aimed at catering to the needs of the scholars ,researchers,policy makers,scientists,academic and of course general readers, alike.This works a research based effort should to be a good source for students and general readers concerned.


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