Business ethics and corporate management /

Kumar Dalip

Business ethics and corporate management / Dalip Kumar & Dheeraj Garg. - 1st ed. 2012. - New Delhi. Global Publications; 2012. - 272 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1. Introduction
2. Corporate behaviour and business ethics
3. Ethical theories in business
4. Corporate structure and ethics
5. Ethics of marketing organisation
6. Corporate social responsibility
7. Global strategic management
8. Corporate culture and business
9. Business objectives
10. Ethical codes in Business
11. Inventory system in Business
12. Ethical leadership

Ethical conduct of business increases the goodwill of business and the businessman, both. It is a known fact that nobody likes to deal with a mischievous or fraudulent businessman. At the same time, people do like to deal with a good businessman, but introduce him with others also, for regularity in dealings. This way good ethical behaviour increases the goodwill of both, the business and the businessman.


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