Cashless India & DIgital Economy /

Anand S.N

Cashless India & DIgital Economy / Dr.S.N Anand - 1st ed. 2017. - Newb Delhi. Global Publications. 2017. - 252 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1.Digital economy
2.Digital India programme:Importance and impact
3.Digital India and its impact
4.Vision of digital india:challenges ahead for political establishments
5.Demonetization:A comparative study with special reference to India
6.Demonetization:impact on the economy
7.Demonetization in india: the philosophy,practice and problems
8.The socio-economic dimensions of demonetization in india
9.Demonetization through segmented markets:some theoretical perspective
10.Impact of demonetization:A conceptual framework
11.Virtual economy
12.Digital currency
13.Cashless society
14.A cashless future is the real goal of india's demonetization move
15.Turning india into a cashless economy
16.Mobile payments in india

To combat black money,corruption,counterfeit currency and terror financing,government took decision on november 8,2016 to ban rs500 & 1000 notes followed by putting a cap on withdrawals from banks and ATMs, Prime Minister Narendra Modi floated the idea of a cashless society.A cutural-economic revolution in the making.But this surprise demonetization also pushed millions of new users onto the country's digital economic grid by virtual fiat.Cash might be more expensive for the government because of tax evasion,corruption and the need to keep recirculation old,spoilt,currency and enabling transfers but digital is very expensive for their desire to do so.This book is extremely beneficial to students of economics,commerce and policy makers.


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