Industrial Economics /

Singh Yudhvir

Industrial Economics / Dr.Yudhvir Singh. - 1st ed. 2016. - New Delhi. Ancient publishing house. 2016. - 272 p . ; hardbound 14x23cm

1.Introduction to Indian industries
2.Influencing factors of industrialisation
3.Growth of modern Industries
4.Location for industry
5.Industrial sickness and economy
6.Role of small industries
7.Industrial merges
8.Price discrimination
9.Investment decision and profit policy
10.Agricultural marketing
11.Monetary and fiscal policy
12.Market performance in Industries
13.Price utility and pricing policy
14.Role of foreign capital

Industrialisation is the only answer to India. Mass unemployment and poverty. In industries, the law of increasing returns operates over a longer range than in the agricultural sector.This means that industries have a very large potentiality to provide productive employment opportunities to Indian people who today for want of any employment opportunities are thrown back on agriculture where their marginal productivity is zero.Thus, industries will provide employment to vast masses of people and provide income and help alleviate mass poverty and ensure a vast number of people rising standard of living.


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