Indian TraditionsCustoms and Culture /

Tiwari R.K

Indian TraditionsCustoms and Culture / R.K Tiwari. - 1st ed. 2015. - New Delhi. Global publications. 2015. - 296 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1.Indian myths and purans
2.Vedic education
4.Indian Architecture
5.Structural temples
6.Marriage customs
7.Religious literature during vedic period
8.Traditional music and dances
9.Caves in India
10.Indian heritage and science-Ayurveda
11.Ancient paintings and sculpture
12.Indian festivals
13.Ancient Ashrams and Dharma
14.Ancient Literature
15.Culture and religion
16.Traditional Indian culture

The continuity of India culture has remained intact though there has been invasion by foreign cultures.The cause of this amazing continuity of Indian culture is its quality to accommodate the changes from time to time. Adaptability is a unique feature of Indian nature, Its glorious survival establishes that it is more powerful than other cultures.Foreigners came and went,political structure changed and many upheavals were experienced but Indian culture never lost the ground.The amazing feat of adaptability has rendered the characteristic of continuity through various ages.


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