Physical education and health guidance /

Rajput Poornima

Physical education and health guidance / Poornima Rajput. - 1st ed. 2015 - New Delhi. Global Publications; 2015. - 272 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1.Introduction to physical education
2. Objectives of physical education
3. Modern age and physical education
4. Health services and evolution
5. Mental insecurity and health guidance
6. Physical education teachers
7. Teaching activities
8. Food nutrients
9. Food and vitamins for health
10. Human body and fitness
11. Medical examination and health
12. Food safety Act, 1990

Physical education represents a need of every child just as do English, social studies and other school experiences.It became part of the school offering as a required subject to satisfy such a need and therefore should be continued on the same basis. All students should take physical education. No one should be excused. If a boy or girl can come to school, he or she should be required to attend physical education class. At the same time, this presupposes that a programme adapted to the need of all pupils is provided.


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