International Financial Management /

Avadhani V.A

International Financial Management / V.A Avadhani. - 3rd ed. 2017. - Mumbai. Himalaya publishing house. 2017. - 544 p . ; hardbound 19x24cm

1.Introduction to International Financial Management
2.International financial environment
3.Goals and growth of multinationals
4.International business methods
5.Nature of international risk exposure
6.International monetary system
7.Determination of exchange rates
8.Forecasting exchange rates
9.Balance of payments
10.International trade flows
11.Interest rates parity
12.International fisher effect-parity relations
13.Time factor in international risks
14.Foreign exchange markets
15.Government influence on exchange rates
16.Exchange rate risk management
17.Hedging in derivative markets
18.Hedging in swap market
19.Operational exposure-risk management
20.Measurement of politico risks
21.Management of international transaction exposure
22.Operational strategies of MNC's
23.Management of Multinational operations
24.Management of global business practicses
25.Nature of international business finance
26.Inter corporate funds flow
27.Sources of funds for MNC's
28.Operational in international financial markets
29.Short-term International financing
30.Operations in international money market
31.Operations in foreign currency markets
32.Management of corporate financing
33.Conceptual backdrop of working capital.
34.Working capital management
35.Project Appraisal and capital budgeting
36.International Capital flows
37.Foreign Investment
38.Financing of debt and equity investments
39.Measurement of portfolio risk
40.Risk measurement in investment
41.Portfolio Diversification and risk reduction
42.Multinational taxation

This book on international financial management covers the vast subjects in a simple and lucid manner. It provides the conceptual framework of how decisions are taken in the international financial field and familiarises the students with the growing challenges faced by the finance manager in the international context


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