Learning Techniques in Education /

Singh Meenaxi

Learning Techniques in Education / Meenaxi Singh. - 1st ed. 2014. - New Delhi. Global publications. 2014. - 272 p . ; hardbound 15x22cm

1.Learning process and education
2.Development tasks in teaching
3.Current and emerging knowledge
4.Nature of learning and theories
5.Development of learner
6.Social determinants of personality
7.Professional development of teachers
8.Programmed learning
9.Phenomenon of learning
10.Vocational educational learning
11.Research and development
12. Motivating behaviour
13. Effective learning conditions

Learning is more than an individual activity. It is a social activity also. Individual mind is affected by the group mind consciously as well as unconsciously as individual is influenced by his friends, relative, classmates, parents etc. and learns their ideas, feelings and actions. Social agencies like the family,church,film and gangs of playmates have a tremendous influence on the child and are always moulding and remoulding him


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