Socio-economic and cultural life under the mughals /

Gandhiji C.M

Socio-economic and cultural life under the mughals / Gandhiji C.M. - 1st ed. 2014. - Delhi. Ancient Publishing House; 2014. - 322 p . ; hardbound 15x22cm

1. Introduction to mughal empire
2. Society and social customs
3. Economy and economic status
4. Bengal under the mughals
5. Trade and industry
6. Mughal Architecture
7. Cultural life under mughals in India
8. Urban and rural life
9. The position of the Hindus
10. Literature of mughal period
11. Mughal ruler

The Mughal Empire self-designated as Gurkani, was a Persianate empire extending over large parts of the Indian Sub-continent and ruled by a dynasty of Chagatai-Turkic origin. In the early 16th century, northern India, being then under mainly Muslim rulers, fell to the superior mobility and firepower of the Mughals.


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