A satire Anthology /

Wells Carolyn

A satire Anthology / Carolyn Wells. - 1st ed. 2015. - US. Impact Global Publishing; 2015. - 295 p . ; hardbound 14x24cm

Chorus of women
A would be literary bore
The wish for length of life
The ass's legacy
A ballade of old-time ladies
A carman's account of a lawsuit
The soul's errand
Of a certain man
A precise tailor
The will
Shakespeare Satire
From " Love's labour's lost"
From " As you like it"
Horace concocting an ode
On Don surly
The scholar and his dog
The manly heart
The constant lover
The remonstrance
Saintship versus conscience
Description of Holland
The religion of Hudibras
Satire on the scots
The character of Holland
The duke of Buckingham
On Shadwell
Satire on Edward Howard
St. Anthony's Sermon to the fishes
Introduction to the true-born englishman
An Epitaph
The remedy worse than the disease
The furniture of a woman's mind
From " The love of fame"
Dr. Delany's Villa
The Quidnunckis
The sick man and the angel
Sandy's ghost
From " The epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot"
The three black crows
An Epitaph
An Epistle to sir Robert Walpole
The public breakfast
An Elegy on the death of a mad dog
On smollett
The uncertain man
A faithful picture of ordinary society
On Johnson
To Boswell
The hen
Let us all be unhappy together
The friar of orders gray
The country squire
The eggs
The literary lady
Sly lawyers
Address to the UNCO guid, or the rigidly righteous
Holy Willie's prayer
Kitty of Coleraine
The friend of humanity and the knife-grinder
Friend of Humanity

Satire, though a form of literature familiar to everyone, is difficult to define. Partaking variously of sarcasm, irony, ridicule, and burlesque, it is exactly synonmous with no one of these. Satire is primarily dependent on the motive of its writer. Unless meant for satire, it is not the real thing; unconscious satire is a contradiction of terms, or a mere figure of speech.


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